jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Past Simple worksheet

Presentation past simple N° 2

Presentation past simple

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

En este mapa conceptual veremos una explicación general sobre Tics


En este webquest encontrarás una actividad interesante para practicar varias habilidades en simultánea

Encuesta sobre tu aceptación del Idioma Inglés en tu vida

New Structure of ICFES examination

Here there is a short description on the English questions in the ICFES exam

These pictures were taken this past wednesday at my school Jose Elías Puyana where the English Staff had the English Song Festival

Presentation and objectives of this blog

In this everchanging world the necessity to communicate is a very important issue, so it is important that we are updated everytime no matter the reason: Business, jobs, education or simply to make friends all over the world we need to know how to communicate with those people and it is, believe it or not, through English. As you can see it is very important to know how to interact in this beautiful language with other people from all over the world and that is the reason for me to do this site. In this blog you will find some interesting material to start learning English in a basic level, and very soon you will have the opportunity to go deeper with other levels of English, pre-intermediate, intermediate and so on.

En este mundo siempre cambiante la necesidad de comunicarse es un tema muy importante, por lo cual es vital que nos actualicemos cada vez más, no importa la razón: Negocios, empleo, educación o simplemente para hacer amigos. En todo el mundo tenemos que saber cómo comunicarse con las personas y es, lo crean o no, a través del Inglés. Como se puede ver, que es muy importante saber cómo interactuar en este hermoso idioma con otras personas de todo el mundo y esa es la razón por la cual hice este sitio. En este blog encontrarás material interesante para comenzar a aprender Inglés en un nivel básico, y muy pronto tendrás la oportunidad de ir más allá con los otros niveles de Inglés, pre-intermedio, intermedio y así sucesivamente.

sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

In this video you will see in a funny and simple way the correct use of the present simple

Here you will find an easy explanation on the verb to be

domingo, 19 de julio de 2009

explanation on the verb to be

You will find an easy explanation on the verb to be and then you can complete the worksheet that is after that.

With this worksheet you can practice a little bit on the verb to be:

The animals

In here, you will watch and hear the name of common animals

The numbers

In this video you can see the numbers and some uses for them


In this blog you will find some videos and information that will be useful in your learning english process. You will see some material about simple topics such as the alphabet, sounds, general vocabulary and the verb to be.

sábado, 18 de julio de 2009

The alphabet

With this video you will learn the alphabet and the way of pronouncing the different vowels:


This is a course you will enjoy and if you pay very much attention, you will learn a lot!